

COLÓQUIO - IFUSP:ynergy between NMR, cryo-EM and large-scale MD simulations - An all atom model of a native HIV capsid

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Publicado em Thu Oct 19 18:10:18 GMT-03:00 2017
Formatos:  MP4 (480 X 360 px)
Responsáveis:  Luiz Cezar Galizio
Produção:  Luiz Cezar Galizio
Palestrantes:  Prof. Angela M. Gronenborn

an all atom model

HIV entry into the cell entails a derailment of the normal host defense pathways, rendering HIV resistant to cell-mediated destruction responses. In the virion, the viral RNA genome is enclosed and protected by a conical-shaped capsid core. Structural analysis by NMR and cryoEM, in combination with large-scale MD simulation permitted the construction of a realistic all-atom model for the entire capsid, based on the 3D authentic core structure.

ABOUT THE SPEAKER: A native of Colony, Germany, Gronenborn received her undergraduate degree in 1975 and her Ph.D. in physical chemistry in 1978, both from the University of Cologne. During her graduate work she became interested in the then-young field of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy applied to biological macromolecules. She did postdoctoral work with protein NMR pioneer James Feeney at the National Institute for Medical Research in London, where she met fellow spectroscopist and longtime collaborator Marius Clore. Gronenborn and Clore moved in 1984 to the Max Planck Institute and in 1988 to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, part of the United States National Institutes of Health, to which they were recruited in part to assist efforts in studying HIV and HIV-related proteins. Gronenborn and Clore, along with Ad Bax and Dennis Torchia, made significant advances in three-dimensional protein NMR during this period. In 2004 Gronenborn moved to the University of Pittsburgh to head its department of structural biology, where she has remained since.