

From Chemistry to Data Management

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Publicado em Wed May 30 08:19:11 GMT-03:00 2018
Formatos:  MP4 (498 X 360 px)

Joshua Borycz é PhD em Química pela Universidade de Minnesota. Atualmente, está cursando Mestrado na área de Ciência da Informação na Universidade do Tennessee sendo orientado pela Prof. Suzie Allard.


I earned my PhD working on computational chemistry at the University of Minnesota in 2016. That means that I used supercomputers to calculate the energies and dynamics of molecules and predict their behavior. I noticed while working on my PhD that scientists in my field did not store, share, or organize their data very efficiently. The lack of data standards led to many misunderstandings and much wasted time. I started the Master's program in information science at the University of Tennessee in 2018 to learn about efficient ways to manage and share data. My goal is to improve the way that scientists store and share their data to hasten the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of research.