
Vídeos indicados

2- EUBR2009 - (Track 3) - Sala de Videoconferencia EPUSP

Workshop background and goals: The Workshop EUBR 2009 will be held in the University of São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil from 8th to 9th of September 2009. Its main goal is to promote collaboration, idea and exchange of experiences and joint research on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) between Brazilian and European Union Academic and Scientific Communities as well industries. This Workshop aims to address very important issues in ICT concerning Future Internet, e-infrastructure, Microelectronics/Microsystems and Embedded System & Control. During this Workshop demonstrations of Future Internet projects will take place involving Brazil and European Academic and Scientific partners in the area of music and cinema, showing as ICT can be a channel for fostering collaboration not only in the area of technology per se but also in other ones related to humanities. Target group: Academic and Scientific Communities, IT professionals and industry representatives. Format of the Workshop: * It is organized in four sessions: Future Internet, e-infrastructure, Microelectronics/Microsystems and Embedded System & Control. * More detailed information can be obtained in the program. * The activities will be held at Electronic Computing Center (CCE) and Escola Politécnica, the Engineering School, of the USP. Workshop Organization: This Workshop is organized jointly by the European Commission, the Ministry of External Relations (MRE) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT), with the support of the University of São Paulo, in the context of the in the context of the Political Dialogue between Brazil and the European Union in the Information Society field.