COLÓQUIO - IFUSP: Spins in Semiconductor Nanostructures
In the last decade there has been a strong interest to utilize the spin instead of the
charge of carriers in semiconductor devices. Manipulation of the spin allows for faster
device operation at a lower energy consumption and offers great opportunities for
quantum computing and quantum communication. In this field of semiconductor spintronics
there is special interest to control and manipulate the spin of both electrons and
holes in zero-dimensional nanostruc-tures. In this presentation I will discuss results,
which have recently been obtained at the Eindhoven University of Technology and at the
University of Sao Paulo, on analyzing and understanding spins in semiconductor
nanostructures. I will present optical spectroscopy performed on large ensembles of
nanostruc-tures and on individual nanostructures. The experimental results and
theoretical modeling show options on how to modify the g-factor and manipulate the spin
of confined carriers.
The author has more than 25 years of experience with research on III-V semiconductor
nanostructures. He is an internationally leading expert on the application of scanning
probe and optical techniques to the study of nanostructures and impurities in
semiconductors. His work is presently focused on the spintronic, electronic and optical
properties of individual self-assembled nanostructures and single impurities in a
semiconductor. For more information on the research group please visit
The speaker is available for discussions in the period from March 9 (Monday) till March
21 (Friday). Please contact tel. 3091 6891