palestra 2 - São Paulo Regional Grid - Workshop HPC IFUSP - Str ategic Issues in Cyberin frastructure for the 21s t Century Science & Engi neering Research
"São Paulo Regional Grid" Prof. Dr. Sérgio Ferraz Novaes Instituto de Física Teórica - UNESP Coordenador dos projetos SPRACE e GridUNESPInformation Technology enabled systems, tools, and services have had profoundimpact on the practice of science and engineering research in the beginning ofthe 21st Century. The term Cyberinfrastructure is being used to describe the newresearch environments that support advanced data acquisition, data storage, datamanagement, data integration, data mining, data visualization and other computing and information processing services over the Internet. In scientific usage, Cyberinfrastructure is a technological solution to the problem of efficiently connecting data, computers, and people with the goal of enabling derivation of novel scientific theories and knowledge.To harness the full power of Cyberinfrastructure requires careful and focusedinvestments, not only in hardware and software resources, but also on training people, aiming the preparation of a science and engineering workforce with the knowledge and skills needed to create, advance, and take advantage ofthose specialized systems over the long-term.The goal of this workshop is to bring together the academic community and keyindustry partners in this broad, emerging area of computationally-enabled Science & Engineering, in order to address the common challenges faced by several disciplines in the broad area of Scientific Computing. The main idea is to review some of the many ongoing research and development programs in the general area of e-Science, stimulating discussions in strategic and methodological issues of common interest.