WESAAC 2013 - PARTE 2 - Coordination of Complex Systems based on Multi-Agent Planning
WESAAC 2013 - PARTE 2 do vídeo da Oficina 1: "Coordination of Complex Systems based on Multi-Agent Planning", ministrada pela Prof.ª Dr.ª Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni (LIP 6 – Université Pierre et Marie Curie). Data: 28/05/2013. Resumo: Handling and the coordination of plans for the achievement of different goals is an important issue of planning, in particular when several agents (robots) are mobile within a shared and dynamic environment. This lecture will present an overview of planning technics and coordination mechanisms developed for multi-agent systems. Then, it will present some significant approaches we have developed for the coordination of temporal multi-agent plans. We present a first framework based on hybrid automata to represent and handle temporal plans of agents. The coordination of such plans and their synchronization within a multi-agent plan will be discussed and illustrated in the context of aircraft simulation. Then, we introduce a second framework where coordination mechanisms have been established to deal with temporal plans of different priorities. This framework will be illustrated on two scenarios : a Proactive-Reactive Coordination Problem (PRCP) where an agent has to modify its temporal plan in order to remove any conflicts with the plan of another agent having higher priority ; and a Coordinated Planning Problem (CPP), where an agent has to compute a plan for the achievement of its own goals, but without violating the constraints of another agent’s higher priority plan and utilizing where possible the cooperative opportunities offered by the latter.