ICAPS 2012 - Session VIa: Probabilistic and Non-Deterministic Planning I
ICAPS 2012 - Session VIa: Probabilistic and Non-Deterministic Planning I. Session Chair: Shlomo Zilberstein.
Paper 1: "Risk-Variant Policy Switching to Exceed Reward Thresholds", by B. Kane and R. Simmons.
Paper 2: "Fast Incremental Policy Compilation from Plans in Hybrid Probabilistic Domains", by F. Teichteil-Königsbuch.
Paper 3: “Improved Non-deterministic Planning by Exploiting State Relevance", by C. Muise, J. C. Beck and S. McIlraith.
Paper 4: " Anticipatory On-line Planning (short paper)", by E. Burns, J. Benton, W. Ruml, M. Do and S. Yoon.