WESAAC 2013 - :Coordination in multi-agent systems: dimensions and mechanisms
WESAAC 2013 - Palestra 2:"Coordination in multi-agent systems: dimensions and mechanisms", por Profa. Dra. Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni (LIP 6 – Université Pierre et Marie Curie). Data: 27/05/2013. Resumo: A multiagent system (MAS) is populated by multiple autonomous agents that interact to solve complex tasks, to enhance the system’s overall utility while improving their individual performance. Hence, coordinating the behaviors of multiple agents acting in the same environment is an important issue in the multi-agent systems domain. This talk will address the MAS coordination as a process by which, a system of agents are lead to work together harmoniously. It will present the several dimensions of coordination as well as the main mechanisms developed in MAS field, in particular for cognitive agents.