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INCOBRA NANO-NOCMAT - Nanotechnology applied to Construction Materials - 11 de setembro

INCOBRA NANO-NOCMAT - Nanotechnology applied to Construction Materials Event's place: Anfiteatro do Prédio Central do Campus USP Fernando Costa; Dates: 09/11 Workshop in the morning about professors of the group and your researches Moises Frias (IETcc - Eduardo Torroja Institute for Construction Science); Cesar Medina (Universidad de Extremadura); Miguel Angel Sanjuan (IECA - Instituto Español del Cemento y sus Aplicaciones); Candas Adiguzel (EGE University); Meral Birbir e Pinar Caglayan (Marmara University); Marie-Ange ARSENE (Université des Antilles); Jorge Akasaki (UNESP - University of the State of São Paulo); Gilberto Siqueira (EMPA - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology); Viorica Deselnicu (ICPI - Leather And Footwear Research Institute); Gustavo Tonoli (UFLA - Federal University of Lavras); Ruy Sá Ribeiro e Marilene Sá Ribeiro (INPA - National Institute of Research of the Amazon); Anand Sanadi (University of Copenhagen); Dana Deselnicu (Polytechnic University of Bucharest). Afternoon: Professor Viorica Deselnicu, ICPI - Utilization of leather wastes for civil construction in the perspective of the circular economy. Professor Dana Corina Deselnicu, Polytechnic University of Bucharest - Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as an innovative tool for evaluating the environmental performance of new materials, software programs and their use. Website of the event: