Cloud Computing na Amazon
Cloud Computing na Amazon.
Organização: Prof. Dr. Marcelo Zuffo.
Palestrante: Jinesh Varia, Technology Evangelist, Amazon Web Services
O palestrante é um dos principais arquitetos em soluções técnicas da Amazon. Resumo da apresentação: The Cloud as a Platform for Platforms - Amazon Web Services Building the right infrastructure that can scale up or down in a moments notice can be a complicated and expensive task, but its essential in todays business landscape. This applies to an enterprise trying to cut-costs, a young business unexpectantly saturated with customer demand, or a start-up looking to launch. Amazon Web Services provides a highly reliable and scalable cloud computing infrastructure for deploying web-scale solutions, with minimal support and administration costs, and more flexibility than the traditional data center. The inherent flexibility of the AWS cloud enables businesses to use it as a Platform in variety of different ways. In this session, Seattle-b